Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Exploring Germany (Munich & Berlin) | A post from October 2016 ♡

I apologise that this was never posted at the time but I had so many computer problems. I couldnt access my photos and didnt want to write this post without them. Its finally here though, enjoy!

Bruce and I got the chance to explore the wonderful country that is Germany. Its somewhere Ive always wanted to visit so we decided to do two cities on the one trip. We travelled Edinburgh straight to Munich where the weather was absolutley beautiful, sunshine in October!
The beautiful buildings and the wonderful Bavarian culture drew me in straight away. I didn't know it was possible to fall in love with a city, but it happened, I fell in love with Munich. We did a beer distilerry tour which was so much fun and really interesting. We enjoyed a little bit of shopping in the wonderful St Marian Platz which is where we spent most of our time. We did lots of walking around the city as there were lots and lots of things to see, even the buildings, churches and statues are all so beautiful. We learnt lots about the history of the city and even enjoyed a few nights in the Briar Munchen Supporters Club. One of my favourite parts was the Hofbrauhause, the biggest a most important Beer Haul in Germany, amazing atmosphere!

After 3 incredible days in Munich we got the cross country train to Berlin. We got to relax and watch lots of the beautiful countrside fly past and it was stunning. In Berlin we did much the same, tours of the city and learnt about its history, drinking in local places where the culture really shone through and visited some iconic landmarks such as the Brandenburg Gate. We also learnt about the Berlin Wall which was extremely eye opening. Both cities were exciting and busy with so many things to keep you going. We could have stayed so much longer and we didnt want to leave! I cant wait to return to Germany one day and explore some of the other cities.




Friday, 3 February 2017

Ive Become a Bookworm... | January 2017 ♡

I went a little bit book crazy over the past month of two. With a decent break from Uni I decided to get torn into a few books that I have been desperate to read. I thought I would share with you today some of my favourites. All of the books are available from Amazon which is where I usually purchase my books from! 

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes has been everywhere recently. People had been raving about it and most recently because a film was made based on the novel. I picked this book up just before Christmas and read it in just a few days, I couldn't put it down. Its heart warming, heart breaking and it personally made me feel really grateful about my life and the people I have around me. 
The story follows Louisa Clark who gets a job caring for Will Traynor who was injured in a car accident a few years earlier. The accident took away Wills desire to live and now Lou takes it into her  own hands to turn things around. Its a very inspiring and wonderful read but I recommend a box of tissues to be near by you at all times.

We Were on a Break by Lindsey Kelk had me laughing out loud whilst reading it. The book follows Liv and Adam, a couple who were madly in love and perfect for one another, until they go on holiday and disaster happens when Adam plans to propose. This book is hilarious and gets you completely lost in the relationship between Liv and Adam. I didn't want this book to finish, I so enjoyed reading about all the things happening between the couple and what they get up too. You won't be disappointed in this book.

Now, this is a book you HAVE to read. I read We Were Liars in just 2 days as I really couldn't put it down. The story follows Cadence Sinclair. Cadence is from a very well off family who own an island and each family within the family have a house on that island. Each year, everyone comes to the island to spend their summers together. During Summer 15 however, something happens. Now Cadence wants to try and piece together what happened and why everything has changed. 
Its an incredible read and e. lockhart keeps you on your toes and shocks you at so many different parts. One of my favourite reads in a long time. 

I got The Light Between Oceans as a birthday present this year. I hadn't heard of this book, let alone their has been a film made based on it. I so soooooo enjoyed this read. The story is about Tom Sherbourne who is a Lighthouse keeper. He falls in love with Izzy and they set up life on the island of Janus. Their life is completely changed when a boat washes up on the island with a dead man and a crying baby inside. Its heartbreaking and you really get drawn into the characters and their emotions in this book. Loved it. 

Giovanna Fletcher cannot write a bad book, fact! I think this is my favourite one of hers to date. Dream a Little Dream follows Sarah who has been single for a few years since her ex went off with another woman. She begins to have dreams about a handsome stranger which she enjoys so much she cant wait to dream every night. However its completely different when her dream guy turns up in real life! All of G's books are lovely, romantic and funny reads but this one is my favourite. 

This book was a little bit different. It took me a while to get into The Secrets of Happiness but when I did, it was fab. The story is about stepsisters Rachel and Becca. Rachel is happily married with 3 lovely children and Becca is stuck in a dead end job. The sisters lost touch but suddenly when Rachel dosen't come home one night, Becca takes on the role of looking after the children. She begins to realise Rachel's life isn't as perfect as she had once thought. Its an intriguing read that kept me hooked until the end. 

Finally, The Christmasaurus by the wonderful Tom Fletcher. I pre-ordered this and read it in the run up to Christmas and thought it was just so magical and heart warming. It is a children's book but, I had to read it! The book follows little William Trundle who, on Christmas Eve, meets The Christmasaurus and begin a fantastic adventure together. If you want to feel christmassy and smile from start to finish, this is your kind of book. Tom is bringing this book to life on stage next December and I soooo wish I could go and see it! 

I hope you enjoyed my wee post about all the books I have been reading lately. Im currently reading a few more so I'm sure ill be updating you with another bunch soon. If you have any recommendations on some great books you have read let me know!
Have a lovely day, 

Amy x

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