Saturday, 11 August 2018

Make Time for Friends | August 2018 ♡

Over these summer holidays Ive been soooo busy. Trips away, festivals, Shinty and giving our home a little summer makeover. It wasn't until I was at the gym yesterday and my brain went off on a wee tangent that I realised Ive not spent much time with my friends lately. I literally live 2 minutes, 3 streets away, from one of my girls and we rarely have a chance to see one another. It got me to thinking about how much I appreciate my friends and how much fun we have together. That includes my boyfriend, he's my absolute world and also my best friend.

Now that were all hitting our mid twenties we get busier and busier with life. Were all working on our careers, our relationships and our families are starting to grow. Were becoming the women that our younger selves looked up too. Thats scary!

When you go through things in life, its true when they say you realise who your true friends are. Losing my mam was the hardest thing Ive ever been through and I was so lucky to have friends who surrounded me with so much love and support. They knew what to say, what message to send and what to bring when they called over. They were like a little army shielding me from the hurt I was going through. To these girls, I owe so much.

A few days ago my group of girlies and I went down to the beach close to us. It was 24 degrees, we all brought drinks and snacks and had the place pretty much to ourselves. It was absolute perfection. We chatted for hours, paddled in the water, laughed and lost track of time. It reminded me that we must do it more often. We did nothing groundbreaking, we talked about complete rubbish but we all left smiling and feeling content. Another night I had recently was having dinner at one of our houses and played a beer pong tournament. What a laugh. With our friends who live further away from us we went on a little weekend trip altogether to a holiday home we hired. It was perfect.

Having friends is like having your own group of therapists, they listen, they chip in if its needed, they make you realise what it is you need. I couldn't be without my friends. They are literally the family I have chosen for myself. Yes I have lost some, I may lose some in future (I hope not), but right now the friends I have mean everything to me. I encourage anyone who is reading this to make the effort to spend more time with them if you feel its been a while. Even drop a little text or a face time if you are away from one another. One of my best friends travels the world playing golf but we never lose touch, we make sure to drop a message every few days just to say hello. Be there for them like they are for you.

I hope this wasn't too rambly, I wanted to get out what was floating about in my head.
Hope your having a lovely day,

Amy x



  1. Since getting out of college face to face interactions have been so hard to keep up! But recently I had brunch with a good friend of mine and I really enjoyed it! It makes me think I need more moments like those with friends!

    1. Aw that sounds a lovely thing to do with friends, I might try and organise brunch with a few of mine! Glad you enjoyed catching up, its so worth it x

  2. A few years ago, my mom told me "being an adult means spending 99% of the time trying to make plans with your friends and 1% of the time actually seeing them". As I'm getting older, I'm finding this is SO true. It's so hard to try and see each other after college, but making the time for friend get-to-gethers is always so so worth it.

    1. Oh my gosh, thats is so true! It gets so much harder the more and more going on in our lives. Totally worth it :) x

  3. Friends are so important! You made the right point that you need to spend more time with friends. This is something that I've realized as I've gotten older.

    1. So important! Thank you so much for reading :) x

  4. Aw thank you so much for reading my post, Im glad it was relatable. Im the same, Im going to try so hard to just make more memories with friends! x


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