Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Hello | January 2019 ♡

Hello my lovelies, Happy New Year!

Cant believe we are now working our way through 2019, where did 2018 go?!
I hope your all doing amazing and enjoyed. celebrating whatever you celebrated over the festive period. I had an amazing time with family and friends, just what was needed.

I thought I would pop up this wee post today to apologise for having no posts up for quite a while now. Ive been working really hard at University and being in my 4th year has really started to take its toll on me. I finish in May of this year with hopefully an Honours Degree and have decided that of course it has to take priority. Im really missing writing on my little blog but think it's the right thing to do to take a little break.

I thank you all for sticking around and reading my posts even whilst Im not here. We reached 20,000 views on my blog in December which is insane!
I will be back, most likely not until I've finished my degree in May, but I will be back.

Hope to speak and share more things with you all soon,

Amy xx

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