Tuesday 29 March 2016

Liebster Award | March 2016 ♡

So my little blog has been given a Liebster Award.  This is exciting isn't it?! I was nominated at the beginning of last year but due to family life I completely forgot to post about it. I was nominated by the lovely Caitlin and it would seem I have to answer ten questions about me and nominate some other new bloggers I love to read. 

Let me just say before I start answering my questions, thank you to anyone who reads my blog. My blog isn't busy, its my little place and its somewhere I can go to zone out and enjoy the little
community that surrounds it. Thank you. Here we go! 

1.Why did you start blogging?
I had a blog a few years ago back in 2013/14 but took it down as I just felt to much pressure for it to be amazing. All I wanted was to share my photos and have my own little place on the Internet. After being in Dublin for my 21st their were so many things I wanted to share and write about so I started my blog up again, and Im loving it. 

2. Describe your blog in 3 words.
Fun, Relaxed, Happy

3. Favourite sweet treat?
Oreo's, because who doesn't love an Oreo!

4. What is your favourite movie of all time?
Its a toss up between three movies, Dirty Dancing, The Wizard of Oz and Tangled. 

5. How do you cheer yourself up when you're feeling down?
I have two cats who I love far too much! I love hanging out with them when I feel a bit down. Also reading, I can zone out when Im reading and love getting lost in a wee book!

6. What's your favourite holiday destination?
I went to Canada when I was little. I have family over there and would absolutely love to go back. Its a wonderful country.

7. What was the last book you read?
The last book I read was The Little Old Lady Who Broke All The Rules. Its a really fab easy read about some OAP's that decide to take up a life of crime to fund their futures. Hilarious!

8. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live?
If I went abroad I would go to New Zealand, always been a dream to go there. Closer to home I hope to live in Dublin at some point in my life, I absolutely love it there.

9. If you could tell 10 year old you anything, what would it be?
To not be so shy and nervous, just get more involved in life and not to be so afraid. Nothing bad will come of it. 

10. If you had a secret super identity who would it be? What are their/your super powers?
Hands down to be Invisible! Imagine all the shows, gigs and events you could go to. Imagine the places you could get too! 

11. Summarise you ideal day.
The sun shining and warm enough to be wearing sandals. To go for a walk with my Bruce and my family. To be totally chilled out with nothing to worry about. 

Thanks to Caitlin at The Little Ginger Blog for nominating me. Your very lovely! 

Id like to nominate some blogs that are a mix of new blogs and blogs I love to read:
Tanya, SweetAllure
Stephanie, Stephiimattea
Daniella, Anotherdaniiday

Heres 10 questions for you lovely lot to answer:
1) How are you today?
2) What made you start blogging?
3) Tell us about your blog?
4) If you could jump on any plane right now where would you go?
5) Four famous people you'd like to have lunch with?
6) Blogs you like to read?
7) Favourite Song?
8) Favourite kind of posts to write on your blog?
9) Favourite Artists?
10) A memory you love.

Remember to nominate some of your favourite new bloggers!

Thank you for reading. Go and enjoy everyone else blogs too 

Amy x



  1. Eee I can't wait to answer these! Thank you for the nomination Amy!


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